Monday, 20 April 2015

Make your Marketing Successful with Online Poster Maker

Posters are widely known as an effective marketing method to spread the work about your event to attract customers. If you make it done in the right way, whether it’s online or offline, you can make a successful marketing performance. In marketer’s eye, although printed posters promotions are not losing their value as a role of advertising, digital poster has a stronger influence and brings a better performance. 

One great online poster can be more effective than one hundred printed bad ones, therefore if you are going to spend the time and money on printing up a poster for marketing, why not try to make a powerful digital edition that can bring you a large number of customers and boost your business? Nowadays, you can fully design your own online poster as marketing material using professional online poster maker like FlipHTML5, which means you don’t need an expensive graphic designer or knowing the complex skill of graphic design. We’ve outlined some helpful tips below.

1. Add Visual Elements 
Multimedia like Images, video and sound speak louder than 1,000 words, and they can be even more compelling. Pictures and video create interest and help establish trust from customers of the product or service for selling. FlipHTML5 has a powerful animation editor to let you add any visual multimedia into the poster. 

2. Catchy Headline
A proper and catchy headline will explain what you offer for customers and how it will benefit them. More greater if it is to make an online poster that can be searchable.   FlipHTML5 allows you to add title, description and keywords to be SEO-friendly. Not only the audiences can be attracted by visual catchy headline but can search your product quickly through a text version of your online poster. 

3. Brand It
A specific personal logo will professionalize your poster and enhance the brand awareness. With FlipHTML5, you can promote your brand with adding a loading picture and an internal logo marked on the layout of the posters. No doubt you own logo will impress the audience all the way. The better impression you give, the more results you are likely to get. 

4. Contact Information with Link
Finally, list your contact information so that the audience can find you at once. You may think contact information is just about television number and email address. That’s not fit in the new online marketing now, and FlipHTML5 can bring you more. You can directly add links in the poster, making audiences visit your online shop and relative information immediately.  

Friday, 17 April 2015

Online Pamphlet Maker – An Ideal Software to Brighten Your Business

Print pamphlet is being used as a promoting medium for marketing for ages even in this digital modern society. But does it mean that print pamphlet will never be out of fashion and always be the champion in this globalized world? The answer is obvious. We can’t ignore the demerits it brings. On the one hand, it requires more money and human resources, which will increase the cost and decrease the benefit of your company. On the other hand, it lacks efficiency in that it only can be spread from one person to another one and can’t be recycled. Here online pamphlet maker will help you to solve these problems. Besides that, it provides you with the possibility to customize your readers, get feedbacks from your customers, polish your pamphlet contents and so on.

Various Alternative Languages
One of the fascinating features of this online pamphlet maker FlipHTML5 is that you can customize your customers no matter where he comes from and no matter what effects he desires to create. You can not only make the best of the different templates, themes and flipping-page effect but also change the languages of the toolbar, which means that people all over the world can make sense of your pamphlet without language obstruction. What a wonderful effect, isn’t it?

Amazing Google Analytics ID
Giving out a print pamphlet will not bring us any feedback while once you publish an online pamphlet, you can track the visitors and furthermore analyze how they get your pamphlet and which part of your pamphlet they are interested in. You may think it is tough to make these come true, but in fact they can be achieved by our freeware online pamphlet maker with its amazing Google analytics function in no minutes.

Efficient E-commerce Tools
We all prefer the simple and direct purchasing experience. So do our customers. The e-commerce shopping cart offering in the online poster maker is the effective way to simplify our ways of purchasing. You can add the information like price, product image, delivering time and so on. We can’t deny that it is a wise way to inspire the purchasing impetus with its simple purchasing way and vivid content.

Supposing when you have a good command of your customers, are you still afraid to lose them overnight? Online pamphlet maker FlipHTML5, a user-orientation software, is perfectly helpful to grab your customers and brighten your business with its customer-friendly functions.

Tuesday, 14 April 2015

Create an HTML5 Flipbook to Enjoy a Stunning Content Reading Experience

Speaking of reading digital content online, situation has changed since the html technology came out. Unlike the traditional reading mode, e-book, e-magazine, e-catalog or other digital publications can be viewed not only on desktop but any devices based on html technology. Even though the publications are flipped with a realistic 3D page turning effect, and the content is interactive by adding images, videos, sounds and links, the browse or device limitation of reading no longer exits as flash used to be.

With an HTML5 flipbook at hand, you enjoy the amazingly instant reading experience. Your digital publication will be streamed to any device; therefore audiences can enjoy content while it is still downloading. All the published html flipbook will be available even they are out of the internet connection when it finishes download.

In order to help you enjoy a stunning content reading experience online like I did, I will list the simple steps of creating an HTML5 flipbook by using powerful html5 flipbook software named FlipHTML5.

                                                            A Video Guide of FlipHTML5

1.      Import PDF to FlipHTML5

Creating a HTML5 flipbook from a PDF file is the most basic and quick way. Get your PDF file ready and then import it to the FlipHTML5. The time for converting it to an html5 flipbook with page flipping effect is on the basis of the size of PDF file, and in most cases, it takes just a few minutes to complete uploading and converting.

2.      Custom the Look and Feel of HTML5 Flipbook

In FlipHTML5 there are lots of templates, themes and backgrounds for a personalized publication setting. The custom setting panel is easy to operate by just a couple of clicks. Once settings done, click "Apply Change" button to preview.

3.       Embed Animation to Any Pages

The powerful Animation editor of FlipHTML5 allows you to add animated graphics or text to any pages of your publication, making an html5 flipbook more than a book. Just click "Animation Editor" to add text/image/button/hot-spot/PayPal options and so on.
4.  Publish to the Internet

After creating, FlipHTML5 enables you to publish the digital publications online ans then share them instantly. Define the title, description and keywords of each HTML5 flipbook for SEO. After published, they can be viewed on any devices online and offline, including desktop, iPhone, iPad and other mobile phones.